Have you thought of an address for your new website? Have you checked if this domain is available? Under which TLD?
If you need your own website, or you have a product to sell to customers, or if you are just looking for a good opportunity to purchase a low-priced product and try and sell it later on for profit - you should register a domain name.
A domain name explains to your potential customers and Internet users in general what they may find in your website. The domain is your address online and is also a key detail in your business card. A short and simple, easy to remember domain name will do a great service for your business. It would be easier to spread and easier for new customers to remember a memorable name. Moreover a good relevant short domain will assist in promoting your website in various search engines online. So, it would be wiser not to use complicated words or words with more than one meaning or ways to write.
If you have already chosen your domain name to represent your company name, brand or product - it is now time to purchase (register) your domain. You can register your domain with more than 80 TLDs online.
There are 2 main groups of TLDs:
1. Generic TLDs - Generic TLDs are not country nor geography related, but a generic TLD tells you something regarding the subject or purpose of the website. The .com is the most popular TLD online, however .net, .org, .info and .biz are also common.
2. Country Code TLDs - Country code TLDs are associated with specific countries or geographical areas. In Israel the .co.il is the most popular ccTLD, as it is suitable for any Israeli based audience website. Different ccTLDs has different registration rules and policy.
In many cases it would be best to register you domain under more than one TLD to reach more potential customers or for different targets, and also to prevent other parties from abusing your brand.
If your selected name is not available for registration under your favourable TLD, you can either register your selected name under different TLDs, or you can contact the domain holder and try to purchase the domain directly from them.
The registration process and regulations may change from 1 TLD to the other, according to the registry of each TLD.
You can register your domain name under many different TLDs online in this website. Registration process may take a few minutes, and afterwards you should check hosting packages and find the most suitable hosting packageto host your website.
Now, all you need to do is found the best domain for you!