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Category: Education Per year
www. .computer
Why get .computer
It is estimated that over 300 million desktop and notebook computers were sold worldwide in 2014 alone. 
While using a computer is becoming common knowledge, many still use their computer for only basic tasks and will require assistance with anything else. 
Make your domain name as easy and as memorable as possible.
Register your .Computer domain name for your computer lab or support, for computers and computer accessories stores, for websites selling hardware and components. 
The .Computer TLD will fit anything from the world of computers, register yours today!
Pre-Registration Sunrise Landrash General Availability
Popular Education TLDs
. computer $58.5
. school $58.5
. university $93.6
. degree $74.88
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. vegas $59.67
. voyage $88.92
. auction $53.82
. equipment $37.44
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